6月のFace to Faceのお知らせです。
I announce the schedule for Next Face to Face Project to you.
Let's thinking about building the perspective of own country and other country from a point of view of literature.
I hope a lot of people will join the project.
Best regards,
Murakami Yuri
日 時:2011年6月27日(月) 16時20分-18時00分(受付16時開始)
場 所:学士会館2F レセプションホール 使用言語:日本語と英語
(発表者:キアラ・コマストリ 日本語・日本文化研修留学生 イタリア)
Theme :Building the perspective of "own country" through the gaze from "other country", and mutual understanding.
Date:June 27th (Monday) 16:20-18:00 (registration from16:00)
Venue:Faculty Club 2F Reception Hall Language: English & Japanese
1. "Japan's vision in Italian Literature, Italy's vision in Japanese Literature "
will be presented by the international student from Italy. (Chiara Comastri)
2. International students and Japanese students will discuss freely.
Face2Face Projectは、グローバルリテラシー(国際的な対話能力)の向上を通じて、国際的な交流・学習活動を共に行ないたいと思う学生同士のネットワークを広げることを目的とした活動です。「十人十色」の意見とものの見方から、世界を考えよう! Face2Face Project aims at improving the global literacy, especially the international dialogue skills and making the network among students. Let's think the world together through ideas and perspectives of " Ten people, ten colors".
Face to Face Project on May.30th
こんにちは。今日は5月30日のFace to Faceの報告をします。
そして、河合さんは実際に竹原市の事業に関わっていて、熟議の結果出たこれらの意見が実際に竹原の文化財を残していく取り組みに役立てるということをおっしゃってくれました。今回のFace to Faceでは普段あまり考えることのない、観光資源を維持していくことによって生じる問題について考えるきっかけとなりました。発表者の発表やお話を元に参加者それぞれがじっくり考えることができたと思います。
ぜひ、6月のFace to Faceにもお越しください。
Hello, everyone. Let me report about Face to Face Project on May.30th.
Mr. Kawai, who was this presenter, presented oppositions or conflicts between tourism development and the regional quality of life, giving a few more examples, Dresden, Kyoto and Takehara city.
In his presentation, he started to ask us some questions. One of his questions was "What kind of methods are there to make a living better while keeping a landscape?" and we discussed this question separating into four groups. There were many kind of remarks and ideas results from the deliberation. Some had a opinion that districts preserved traditional buildings should be separated those where people live, and others stated that it was important that people living in a preservation district recognize how significant and valuable to preserve they are. In addition, there were a different point that tourism was connected to environmental education. That's why is that learning predecessor's wits of living make us have more interests and knowledges for environment.
Mr. Kawai takes part in the work concerning Takehara city so I hope that this result of our discussion will be useful in the measures to preserve cultural assets. We had an opportunity to think about problems resulting from keeping tourist resources, which we aren't conscious everyday, by his presentation and talks.
Thank you for your participation and the presentation.
I'm looking forward to seeing you next Face to Face.
Best regards,
Murakami Yuri
こんにちは。今日は5月30日のFace to Faceの報告をします。
そして、河合さんは実際に竹原市の事業に関わっていて、熟議の結果出たこれらの意見が実際に竹原の文化財を残していく取り組みに役立てるということをおっしゃってくれました。今回のFace to Faceでは普段あまり考えることのない、観光資源を維持していくことによって生じる問題について考えるきっかけとなりました。発表者の発表やお話を元に参加者それぞれがじっくり考えることができたと思います。
ぜひ、6月のFace to Faceにもお越しください。
Hello, everyone. Let me report about Face to Face Project on May.30th.
Mr. Kawai, who was this presenter, presented oppositions or conflicts between tourism development and the regional quality of life, giving a few more examples, Dresden, Kyoto and Takehara city.
In his presentation, he started to ask us some questions. One of his questions was "What kind of methods are there to make a living better while keeping a landscape?" and we discussed this question separating into four groups. There were many kind of remarks and ideas results from the deliberation. Some had a opinion that districts preserved traditional buildings should be separated those where people live, and others stated that it was important that people living in a preservation district recognize how significant and valuable to preserve they are. In addition, there were a different point that tourism was connected to environmental education. That's why is that learning predecessor's wits of living make us have more interests and knowledges for environment.
Mr. Kawai takes part in the work concerning Takehara city so I hope that this result of our discussion will be useful in the measures to preserve cultural assets. We had an opportunity to think about problems resulting from keeping tourist resources, which we aren't conscious everyday, by his presentation and talks.
Thank you for your participation and the presentation.
I'm looking forward to seeing you next Face to Face.
Best regards,
Murakami Yuri
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