
Face to Face on November 28th







Hello, everyone. Let me tell you about the Face to Face project on November 28th.

The last presenter was Anastasia, a Master student in the Graduate school of Education, from Russia. She shared with us a graph that showed the differences between Russia and Japan's Peace education system. Throughout her presentation about "Research on Peace education materials in Junior high school,"many different peace views were revealed. For the purpose of developing a positive peace view, which means you see Peace as to defend human rights or prevent social gaps, lessons about "Doctors without Boarders(MSF)" were held in junior high school classes in both countries. The junior high school students took a questionnaire before and after the lesson. Anastasia shared the results of questionnaire while she presented.

After Anastasia's talk, many participants asked questions about her presentation, and I found that they were really interested in this subject.

During the discussion time, the participants introduced their countries' Peace education as well as their own Peace views. After that, they seemed to have realized that each country's view about peace is totally different from country to country or from person to person. They did this through the introduction of their countries' Peace education and their own Peace views.
Also, some people think that the Junior high school education system influences their own Peace views.
I think it was a good experiences for the Japanese students and International students, because they discussed subjects that they usually don't ever talk about with their friends.

Thank you for your participation and for presenting on this matter.

Next Face to Face project will be held on January. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Shuichi Honda

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